Nov 10, 2017
Interview with Ken VeArd with Pilot Partner. We discuss the pilot lifestyle, his Bonanza flying, flying clubs, and his electronic logbook Pilot Partner.
Visit or download the Pilot Partner app for a free 60 day trial of Ken's electronic logbook, then use Promo Code: whywefly18 for 18 months for the price of 12 months: $29.95.
THANKS to our sponsors!
T-shirts & other merchandise available in the Store at We REALLY appreciate your support of the podcast! Custom items available by request (picture of your plane, N number, or other custom items).
Check out my "Why I Fly" video at
Keywords: Aviation, General Aviation, Plane, Planes, Airplane, Airplanes, Fly, Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilots
Intro music by Mscaras & outro music by Chris Zabriskie.